Want to Make Your Own Webcomic? Here’s How

(Originally posted Feb. 17, 2011)

As you probably already know, Urban Underbrush is my first webcomic. More than that, it’s my first real project, the first time I took a story that I had written and drawn and went public with it (having eight readers still counts as public, right?)

I may have never gotten this project off the ground if a friend of mine hadn’t given me a copy of “How to Make Webcomics,” the book that’s become the authority on webcomicking (that’s a word now).

“How to Make Webcomics” is an amazing resource. It covers everything from writing and art design to building businesses and online communities.

For a while, the book was hard to get a hold of, due to high demand. But the third printing is hot off the presses. If any of you want to learn more about the fast-paced world of Internet comics, this is the place to start. Buy a copy here:


I still have my copy and it’s still serving me well. Some day, I’m going to get all four authors to sign it, but so far, I only got Brad Guigar. Still pretty cool considering that Brad has made himself the leading expert in webcomic education – and I don’t take kindly to anyone who says otherwise. (Note: I’m glaring menacingly at my screen while typing that last part.)


P.S. Bill, I don’t remember if I ever thanked you properly for the book, so thanks.

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