DW Ch12 P48

Now that Yapix is back in the story, it's time to share the latest piece of fan art. This one comes from my niece Julia (age 5)

Apparently, Yapix loves us. And he's writing backwards. Is this the secret code he used to write in his lost journal? Julia's Yapix has been added to the Fan Art Gallery.

Also, I've completed another month of the Full Moon Art Challenge. I'm having such a good time with this project that I've decided to run it again in 2023. If you wanted to give the Full Moon Art Challenge a try and draw 13 moons in 12 months (13 because there's a blue moon next year), you will soon get another chance. I'll be announcing the new prompts in December, so stay tuned. Also, the 2023 lunar calendar is up in the shop, if you want something to help you keep track of those phases.

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