Draconis and Jester have fundamentally different philosophies about lying.
DW Ch10 P12
Posted on November 27, 2017 by Lepus Marj
Draconis and Jester have fundamentally different philosophies about lying.
3 thoughts on “DW Ch10 P12”
See, I hear Jester on the ‘no lying’ thing, given that even if he CLAIMS to be an Alpha Lupine if he can’t beat the test he’s not going to be up to snuff come the Forest.
But Draconis has a good point too-they brought Jester along on the premise that he’s an expert warrior and thus useful. This is ESPECIALLY important given Jester’s recent complaints about their quest, that at this point he’s only following through given what he gets out of it. So Jester pulling stunts like taking the test instead of accepting the skip-ESPECIALLY given that he hasn’t ever passed the tests? That’s just being a far worse jerk than the situation deserves.
Though Draconis possibly being a capable enough warrior to pass himself would kind of make the ‘sabotage’ by jester moot, AND really highlight how problematic he’s been.
TLDR: Jester is trying to be honest about his abilities, but Draconis is calling him out for doing that AFTER selling himself to the gang on the same abilities he claimed to have.
Lepus Marj
I think insecure people tend to walk the line a little more closely than they need to, since they are reluctant to rely on themselves. And, sometimes, that inflexibility causes them more problems, which feeds that insecurity and keeps the cycle going.
Jester is very conflicted over this situation. Next week’s page should shed a little more light on that.
If the tests Jester was given previously were administered by the Alpha Lupine, and also given his previous poor interactions on screen with them, it’s no wonder he never passed. Those tests were probably just as unfairly weighted against him as his training was.