DW Ch12 P88

And Chapter 12 finally comes to a close. The longest chapter in the Draconis Wicked saga is finally completed. The team is embarking on a new phase of their journey. Where will they end up next?

Draconis Wicked Chapter 13 will begin in early November. I want to spend some more time on scripts and storyboards for this one before launch. I also need to put some time in a number of side projects that I've been neglecting.

But don't stop visiting the website. I'll be posting bonus content on Mondays in October so please don't be a stranger. I'm also still posting Lepus Rabbits and Full Moon Art and you won't want to miss any of that.


Any thoughts on Chapter Twelve? Be sure to share them in the comments.

UPDATE: I've recently been informed that the comments have not been working on all browsers. I think I've found and removed the faulty program, so everyone should be able to post again.

7 thoughts on “DW Ch12 P88

  1. Unless they find a way out of this soon, calls of nature are going to be a bit embarrassing. I just realized that you’re aiming for 13 chapters for the number of moons in a year?

    1. Starting Chapter 13 on a year with 13 full moons is just a lucky coincidence, but Chapter 13 won’t be the last chapter in the story.

      1. Great! I was thinking it was because all of the windows have now been filled with characters.

        1. I’m always a little disappointed when quests or RPGs conclude too quickly after the party is complete. We want some time to enjoy having all the characters together.

  2. Early November?

    1. Sorry, unexpected stuff keeps coming at me, but I’m getting a lot of comic work done behind the scenes. I’ll announce a new return schedule as soon as I am able.

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