UU Comic 77

So there you have it.

The creation of this comic was a little unusual. Originally, I had intended to let the last comic be the high point of the story and then I’d move straight on to the aftermath. I was going to explain the rest of the grant stuff in a future story instead. But, when I was coloring the last episode, it crossed my mind that it might not sit well with the readers if they thought Clayton was defrauding a charity (even for a good cause). Also, I don’t think the others would go along with it (that’s a little out of character for them). So I went back into the otherwise completed story and wrote this episode. It took about three tries before I had a script that I was happy with, something that fit in with the story, explained away all those problems, and was amusing as well. I think it’s one of the best of the bunch.

This episode is pretty much the climax of this story arc. The next few episodes will tie up the loose ends, then we can return to the present and enjoy some less-crowded stories for a while.

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