DW Ch10 P59

And the biggest chapter of Draconis Wicked has come to a close. I'm going to need a little time to prepare for the next one, so comics will be on break until October. Please return for "Chapter Eleven: Shadow Venom Magic." I've been looking forward to this one. In the meantime, I've written a retrospective on Chapter Ten in the blog. That should keep you busy for a bit.

5 thoughts on “DW Ch10 P59

  1. When is the next chapter going to be uploaded?

    1. Hopefully, I’ll be back in business in a week (Shooting for Monday, October 15 – the day before my birthday.) Some unexpected household mishaps have eaten up all my writing/drawing time, but things are quickly returning to normal here.

  2. When is chapter 11 going to be up?

  3. So when is Chapter 11 going to be up?

    1. The cover will be up on Monday, the first story page will be up the following Wednesday (Posting Wednesday instead of Thursday to miss the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.)

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