UU Comic 112

Yes, Dynamite and Detonator have gone to a nightclub. There’s music and a restaurant bar and everyone’s over twenty-one. What’s up with that?

Normally, when things like this happen in cute cartoons, the audience expects the story to turn dark. The cuteness becomes ironic as sweet-looking characters get drunk, pick fights and swear a lot. I can assure you that this is not going to happen in Urban Underbrush. You folks don’t need me to re-write Pearls Before Swine for you.

Despite the venue, the content won’t change much. I promise that no one will drink to excess and Dynamite and Detonator themselves will consume nothing stronger than a handful of pretzels. In short, Urban Underbrush will remain innocent - or at least as innocent as it was before.

Meanwhile, the Urban Underbrush Reader's Poll is still up. You can take the poll Here.

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