DW Ch13 P15

Oh, No! It's the worst guy!

This week is the THIRTEENTH ANNIVERSARY of Draconis Wicked! The first pages were posted on June 6, 2011.

And finally, thanks for your patience during my unexpected absence. There were so many (metaphorical) fires to put out, but I finally got them all (I think). I now have much more time for comics, so I shouldn't miss any more updates for a long time.

3 thoughts on “DW Ch13 P15

  1. Welcome back! “Sometimes they have a little help” – wait, I know this guy…

    1. I put my penname and e-mail, but my comment is under “Anonymous”. It was so in the previous page, too.

      1. Sorry, it seems that WordPress made some changes a few months ago and it’s been affecting the comment settings on a lot of websites. I’ve adjusted my settings and the site has now been showing proper usernames in my last round of testing. I don’t know if this will resolve the issues for all users, but I’ll keep an eye on it. Thanks for letting me know.

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