DW Ch13 P35

EDIT: The next page will post on February 24.  Last week, at my other job, I had to add an extra 10 hours(!) to my work week and I couldn't finish a comic page on time. The next page is  more than half done, but I'm going to push it back a week and use it to start building back a buffer.


Cloaker is 1000% still trying to think of ways to push the captain into the sea.

I made some minor edits to last week's page and it's much better to read. Go back and take a look. There's a better flow to the scene and it ends with a better punchline.

6 thoughts on “DW Ch13 P35

  1. oooooooooooooooooooh
    there’s so much more to him just being a pirate. i love this!!! also i checked the previous page hehe

    also did i mention i love the pirates’ designs? love blue haired characters!!

    1. Thanks. While I was working on the original script, some beta readers suggested that the pirates get their own spin-off. I would be fun, but who knows if I’ll have the time.
      Also, in the drafts, all the pirates had different hair color, but they didn’t look enough like sea serpents, so I modified them.

      1. pirates and mermaids! gotta be my favourite gender. i hope something comes of the idea, even if it’s a short spinoff. blue hair looks really nice on them 😀 i really like it!

  2. oh man, sudden overtime sucks. hope you get enough time to build a nice buffer tho <3

    1. I came close to getting the next page done on time, but it’s going to be really good and I don’t want to wreck it by rushing or making sleepy mistakes.

      1. seriously, no need to worry about it! writing and drawing comics takes a lot of time, and i’ll be here next week too 😀

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