DW Ch 12 Cover

Draconis Wicked is back! Well, it's starting to come back. Updates may be a bit irregular as I navigate the return to comics, but, like the rest of the world, I am working to return to a new normal as quickly as possible. If you're interested, I wrote a blog post about dealing with stuff and my time away from comics.

Today (June 6, 2021) is the tenth anniversary of Draconis Wicked, so even if the whole chapter isn't ready for launch, I couldn't let this week pass by without posting something. Enjoy the cover.

6 thoughts on “DW Ch 12 Cover

  1. It’s good to see that you’re back! And I like the site redesign.
    Hey, do you have RSS here? I don’t know if you did before the upgraded site or not, I don’t see something for it tho.

    1. Thanks. I didn’t realize how much the old website needed a makeover. Hopefully, it will be easier to use on all platforms.

      As for your question, I used to have an RSS feed, but the system I was using sort of fell apart over time. I should look into setting up a new one. Stay tuned.

      1. Whatever you did fixed the feed, but for some reason only the latest page showed up on mine, not this or the intermediate ones.

        1. Thanks for letting me know. I’m basically adding and removing features until I find which ones are interfering with the organization.

          How are you entering the comic page? In the past, certain entry points have been leaving out critical parts of the page addresses. Any info you can give m will be a big help in resolving that issue.

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