DW Ch11 Cover

Welcome to Chapter Eleven. The first story page will be up on Wednesday (not Thursday) so we can beat the Thanksgiving holiday. Then, we should be back to regular Monday and Thursday updates for a while. For a partial explanation of where I've been and what I've been up to, please check out the most recent blog. EDIT: So, it turns out I can't go to work for an additional, unscheduled nine hours, then clean my parents' place for Thanksgiving, and finish a new comic page in two days. The next Draconis Wicked update has been bumped back to Monday. Sorry.

3 thoughts on “DW Ch11 Cover

  1. woooow! luckily I checked in early.

  2. Fortunately for me (for a certain value of ‘fortunately’ 🙂 ) I have been having computer troubles which only let me get back to your strip today, so for me it’s like no pause occurred 🙂

    1. Yes, that computer saboteur was expensive, but worth it.

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