UU Comic 16

Many of you may have noticed something different about this week's comic strip. The lines are a little sharper. The words are a little more legible. The expressions are more vivid. (The sky is a little clearer, the water's a little bluer, the road's a little bumpier...) This is actually the way all of my comics look on paper, but when I scan them they get a little blurry. Did I buy a better scanner? No, I am much too poor for that. I have simply switched to a larger and higher quality paper. This comic is now drawn on 14 inch bristol board (what the professionals use) then shrunk down to 800 pixels, touched up in Photoshop, and delivered straight to your internet. My comics are usually drawn with the same proportions as newspaper comics. That way, if I ever print a book, I can use the standard presets and I won't need to pay extra for custom printing. However, I made a small error in measuring the new paper so this week's comic and next week's comic are a little bit taller than usual (think of it as a bonus). The following week (April 30) the comics will appear in what will be our new standard size. The lines and letters will remain clear.

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