UU Comic 116

This comic has changed a bit from my early drafts. In the original version, Clive was supposed to tell Lena that he's not so petty as to play this mean trick on Blair. Then he storms off. Moments later, Clive returns and admits that he was only joking, of course he's that petty. I changed the script and gave some of Clive's lines to Detonator because I thought the punchline would have a little more oomph if we didn't know what Clive was thinking until the last panel.

I love the way Detonator works in this scene. I like how he's not intimidated by Lena and her bad attitude. I like how he stands up for Clive, even though Clive doesn't deserve it.

I may have Dynamite and Detonator play conscience again in the future.

In other news, the results of the Urban Underbrush Readers' Poll are up. You can find them in the Blog.

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