Whew, a lot of info in this one. This should have been the last comic before Christmas break, but I was just too short on time. My sister, Liz, and I had decided to make presents this year and we ending up sewing plush Christmas trees for all the little nephews and cousins.

Yes, I am absolutely using small children as my excuse so you can't be mad at me for breaking early.
4 thoughts on “DW Ch8 P07”
Jaya Lakshmi
Jester makes a fair point. Also, tree plushies!
Is “due” a typo or a play on words? Or am I just confused?
Lepus Marj
It took me a while to figure out your question. I had to look it up to see what you were talking about. http://grammarist.com/usage/make-do-make-due/
Apparently, I’ve been using an incorrect version of the phrase “make do.” I’ll correct the page during the next update.
Thanks for bringing that to my attention. You are smarter than most grammer-checking programs.
Scary that that was all it took to imprison him!
(Those trees are adorable!)