Finally, the first story arc is heading to a resolution. Next week, we'll have some aftermath, followed by a short intermission. Then I get to start a new story, which is good because I really wanted to add a storyline selector to the Archive page, but I only had one storyline, so I thought it would be too confusing. Most Urban Underbrush stories will not be as long as this one. I just took me a while to introduce all the characters, situations, places etc. Plus, I knew that if I didn't use some introduction jokes now, I would never get another chance. The coloring on this one is a little different. Usually, I just do all of the colors on one layer to save time. This time, I tried putting the background on a separate layer so I could use a gradient overlay to add some even shadows to each panel. In other words, the background gradually gets a little darker at the bottom of each panel, but the characters do not. Its very subtile, almost undetectable, but I think it sort of works on a subconscious level. I haven't really chosen an official color style for Urban Underbrush yet. But, you learn by doing, so expect more experiments in the weeks ahead.
UU Comic 31
Posted on July 30, 2010 by Lepus Marj
4 thoughts on “UU Comic 31”
There’s an Archive page?
The closest I can find is the main page which has links to the first strip in each chapter, but no other ones.
Lepus Marj
Currently, there is no archive for individual strips (or at least not one that is working properly). Stick with the chapter-by-chapter listings for now and I’ll see what upgrades I can make in the future.
Don’t worry about it too much. I’ll probably be finished reading the archives before you get a chance to fix it.