Enforcers' Outpost is this little building on the west side of Sidereal City. Malcorona's Fortress is on the east side of so the outpost helps the Wicked Enforcers keep watch over the whole town. This is not critical to the story, but, there's the back story, if you were curious.
DW Ch3 P09
Posted on July 2, 2012 by Lepus Marj
3 thoughts on “DW Ch3 P09”
Why does it have a drawbridge for a “moat” that looks like it can just be walked around?
Lepus Marj
When I first drew this place, I thought of that gap as a natural land formation and the “bridge” is just an overdramatic front walk that compensates for the trench. The boards are supposed to look carelessly hewn together and the chains are fixed on place. There’s no mechanism to raise or lower the bridge.
It’s not stealing if no one catches you, I guess!