Yeah, I could have had that merchandise be anything, but bootleg plushies seemed the funniest choice. And kinda fun to draw.
UU Comic 254
Posted on June 18, 2015 by Lepus Marj
Yeah, I could have had that merchandise be anything, but bootleg plushies seemed the funniest choice. And kinda fun to draw.
4 thoughts on “UU Comic 254”
Number 6
This week: Clive: “Trying to get rich selling bootleg plushies is silly!”
Next week: Clive tries to get rich selling the bootleg plushies he has just acquired.
Jaya Lakshmi
Arguably that was good, but how could she overlook all her payments and violate her contract? That’s borderline stupidity.
Holly Crowe
I like the Draconicus Wicked easter egg.
Yes, that was very cute.