UU Comic 270

Not one of your finer gardens.

5 thoughts on “UU Comic 270

  1. Do not pass go, just get ot of there quickly.

  2. the link is broken or something to urban underbrush comic#271 – I can see the tiny thumbnail of it over to the left, but the link just says “no archive found” & the “next” button does the same thing. 🙁

    I tried to ready the tiny thumbnail, but no luck, it is just teasing me…..

    1. I’ve checked the comic on several browsers and it’s displaying normally. If it still isn’t showing up on yours, try refreshing.

      1. Works now….must have been Gremlins.

        1. There was a problem with the permalink. It took me two tries to find it, but it probably won’t happen again.

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