UU Comic 258

While writing this comic, I asked the humor muses, "What combination of pop-culture plush toys would be funniest?" And the muses answered, "Batman and Pinkie Pie, my child. Batman and Pinkie Pie."

5 thoughts on “UU Comic 258

  1. Now I *must* see this show: The New Adventures of Batman and Pinkie Pie

    Why has noone made this yet? What are they waiting for?!

    1. “Why has noone made this yet? What are they waiting for?!”

      Copyright and licensing clearances. (Hasbro hasn’t held a license to use the Batman character since the “DC Super Heroes” line of action figures in the early 2000s.)

      1. doggone lawyers, always ruining everyone’s fun!

  2. Batman, Pinkie Pie, and car chases. Niiiiiiiiiiiiiice. XD

    Hello, I’ve been reading your comic(s) for a little while now, but just recently decided to stop lurking and actually post a comment. I love your style, and admire how you can keep two- TWO- webcomics going at once and still have them be in color, and update weekly. THAT is dedication. Keep it up!

  3. Wow. I guess she’s not a Pinkie Pie or Batman fan.

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