UU Comic 138

When I was a kid, I liked the comics that featured Snoopy as the Flying Ace. Mostly because I loved Snoopy in goggles, but also because we couldn't tell how much of the action was a fantasy and how much of it was really happening. I always imagined that the Red Baron was real. He was too vivid to be pure fantasy. I imagined that somewhere on the other side of Charlie Brown's neighborhood, there was another dog sitting on his own doghouse, imagining the Baron's side of the fight. A cat works tool, but Caius isn't enough of an important comic character to be the true Red Baron. Maybe the real Red Baron is Garfield. As I grew, I had forgotten about my take on the Flying Ace. About three years ago, something reminded me of it. I was teaching Art classes in a little school and I was giving two of my students comic lessons. Both of these girls were very talented and motivated, but while one of them was interested in inventing her own characters, the other only wanted to draw Charlie Brown. I told her that she wasn't allowed to draw Peanuts because that comic had already been written. So she started creating these Peanuts-inspired comics that featured a different group of kids. These comics were a perfect fusion of new ideas and tributes to the original. If an adult cartoonist had come up with them everyone would be calling them genius. I can't, in good conscience, tell you any more about them because she asked me to never share her ideas with the public, just in case she wants to draw a series some day. (I'd read it.)

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