No, I hadn't planned on reusing Slasher's former owner from the last chapter. It just sort of happened. I'm not sure if she'll come back again after this. You never know. In the previous chapter, she was just called "The Boss," but I've finally given her a proper name - Lia. I choose this name for two reasons: 1.) It sounds like "Liar" and 2.) It's a different form of the name "Lila" - the name famously used for Snoopy's original owner in the old Peanuts cartoons. Making a connection between Snoopy's sweet owner and Slasher's selfish, lazy owner just feels really twisted in a way that delights me. Just for your reference, Clayton and Vincent never had a chance to meet Lia, but since Clayton was responsible for relocating Slasher, he may have seen a picture or heard a vivid description at some point.
UU Comic 269
Posted on September 22, 2015 by Lepus Marj
2 thoughts on “UU Comic 269”
Jaya Lakshmi
Wow. Never thought we’d see her again. The cat came back!
Now that you’ve named her, you’ll never get rid of her! She’ll be worming her way in to the backgrounds of stories without you even noticing it until she’s already there. She’s sneaky like that.