DW Ch12 P60

No one believed we were really done with unexplained empty village. Of course there are mysteries to unravel. Come on, Flight, it's a simple case of Chekhov's Lost Forest Village - a staple of literary devices!

6 thoughts on “DW Ch12 P60

  1. Image not loading for anyone else? Tried a bunch of different browsers, and turning ad-block off, but still no go.

    1. I’ve removed the image and uploaded it again. Does it show now?

      1. Looks fine, but I don’t remember having a problem with it in the first place.

      2. Nope, guess it’s just me
        And just noticed none of the chapters are loading, even though it did before [up to when the coons asked her for help & she ran to the stump].
        Really weird and wonder what is up w/ that.
        Thanks for trying anyways.

      3. Huh, weird; it’s working now, after I clicked the latest comics; wonder if it has something to do w/ my bookmark or something.

  2. I’ll look into this, but in the meantime, there may be a workaround. In previous versions of the site, images were sometimes blocked on the secure site (https:), but not on the unsecured site (http:).
    If your browser security allows it, try entering from the unsecured URL and see if the images are visible.

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