DW Ch11 P22

Guess you should have inspected the prisoners instead of walking around smuggly with your eyes closed.

One thought on “DW Ch11 P22

  1. “Guess you should have inspected the prisoners”

    Or, alternatively, inquired beforehand if the Spider-people had heard of someone called Malcorona, and if so, if they had any qualm going against one of his wicked enforcers…

    I have to say, this is making so much sense, universe-wise. If Captain Banker has dealings with the forest’s inhabitants, then other people may have. Especially “shadowy” people like, say, the leader of the major (the only?) thief/assassin guild in the region.
    As responsible of the city’s security, Captain Banker should be knowledgeable about the extent of Malcorona’s influence. Clearly, he failed his homework. His arrogance was in the way.
    Well-played, Madam.

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