DW Ch3 P07

When I wrote the first draft of this scene Draconis had a very different reaction to this situation. Draconis was suspicious of Flight and Snakey. He didn't want to let them join him, but, after realizing that he had no choice, he reluctantly accepted them (with the understanding that he would kill them if they betrayed him.) I didn't like that version. The scene felt too heavy and uncomfortable. The new phase of the journey was beginning under a dark cloud. More importantly, I didn't like what that version did to Draconis. It made him mean, paranoid and humorless. I wanted Draconis to enjoy his quest. More importantly, I wanted him to enjoy being reckless.

One thought on “DW Ch3 P07

  1. I like this version too. It’s painting the character as someone who can be patient and keep the long term goal in sight, which definitely fits with someone who rose through the ranks to become the top enforcer of the current big crime lord and also manage to keep the post. We know he can be charismatic and even play nice if it’s required, so yeah. Good writing/editing call!

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