UU Comic 59

Scatter is this comic's crazy, spastic character. These kinds of characters are either loved or hated by the audience. That's why I decided that Scatter needed to have a skill. If she could make a valuable contribution to the team, then we'd be less likely to view her as an obnoxious pest. For this strip, I wanted to do a joke about webcomics, but I know that a large amount of my regular readers don't read tons of other comics online. I thought I would make it easy on you by making a obvious reference to Penny Arcade (adults only, please), one of the most famous webcomics out there. I also like the idea of Claude, who looks like he hasn't touched a game (board or video) since 1986, inexplicably reading comics about gamer culture. Wouldn't it be neat if Penny Arcade really did make a joke about expectations for the game industry this week? Nah, with my luck, they'll probably make jokes about cursing and severed heads. Then, I'll get myself in trouble with the parents of my young readers. Que sera.

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