Let’s Talk Zombies

(Originally posted Oct. 8, 2010)

Hang on tight, folks, because it’s all going down next weekend. Evenings in Quarantine: The Zombie Opera is opening on the 15th of October. As you may know, EIQ is the opera written by my sister, Liz, and her talented friends. What you may not know is that I have drawn a short animated sequence for the show, which will be projected on stage during one of the songs.

lepus zombie ad

The Lepus Studios ad, as it will appear in Evening in Quarantine promotions.

This show is truly inspired. If you will be anywhere near the Pittsburgh area on October 15, 16, 17, 21, 22 or 23, I strongly suggest that you get yourself a ticket. (Recommended for mature audiences. Visit The Zombie Opera Website for full details.)


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