To find out about The Full Moon Art Challenge and learn how to join in, visit the event page. Don’t forget to tag your art #FullMoonArtChallenge2024 so we can find it online.
If you’re joining in, share your Easter Moon art on April 22nd, 23rd, or 24th.
April’s Easter Moon
For the Easter Moon, I decided to get a little rabbity. You know how some people see a man in the moon, while others see a rabbit? Well, no one will miss the rabbit in this moon:

Perhaps this wasn’t the best year to use old German moon names as art prompts. While the April Moon is known as the Easter Moon, the actual Easter holiday happened to fall in March this year. And, since the full moon came late in the month, the Easter holiday came and went more than three weeks before the Easter Moon ever graced our sky. And I can’t even claim that “Easter” refers to Orthodox Easter, because that day won’t come until May this year.
Of course, in the religious tradition, Easter Sunday marks the beginning of the Easter season, so perhaps this moon can refer to the whole season, not just the one day.
Here are all the moons I have so far. It’s becoming a real collection.

Thinking About May
May’s full moon will be the Pasture Moon. It will rise on the 23rd for the second month in a row. If you’re part of the Full Moon Art Challenge, share your Pasture Moon Art on May 22nd, 23rd, or 24th.