Draconis Wicked Delayed – Here’s Why

(Originally posted August 1, 2011)

Sorry, folks. Draconis Wicked: Chapter One, Part Three is running behind schedule. Expect the third and final installment of the chapter to appear on Monday, August 8. Urban Underbrush will continue to run on schedule. I actually finished drawing all the pages weeks ago, but I haven’t found the time to color them. This is a pretty key moment in the story, so I’m not spoiling the effect by posting in plain black and white. Your patience will be rewarded. Why the delay? This month, I taught two weeks of computer art classes for middle school and high school students and helped set up their student gallery. After that, I had one week to finish getting ready for my sister’s wedding. I thought I could finish coloring my pages during that intermittent week, but weddings are a lot of work. On top of the normal amount of chores, we all kept thinking of little extra touches we could add, such as writing the wedding toast in the form of a poem or making the groom an exact replica of Homer Simpson’s pig cufflinks.

(He totally wore them to the ceremony.)

This is the first time I’ve ever missed an update, so bear with me while I get back up to speed. Thanks for understanding.

-The Management (Marj)

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