UU Comic 65

I've been looking forward to springing this twist on you. Actually, I had thought that everyone would have known right away just how all that office work was getting done. I mean we've seen Maxwell's idea of organization here and here. Plus I thought you would have noticed which players have been missing from our cast so far. But, to my surprise, over the past few weeks, several friends and relatives have mentioned to me that they wished that they were as organized as Maxwell. Maybe they were just playing along. Or maybe they liked the idea of Maxwell being capable of staying organized, but choosing not to (sorry, he's still a slob). Of course, if Maxwell were able to all the cleaning and sorting himself, then Vincent wouldn't be of much use to the story and I don't feel like writing him out anytime soon (or ever). If you saw this coming, then good for you. If not, don't feel bad, many people didn't. And if you were one of the folks who wished to be as organized as Maxwell...you probably already are. By the way, just because Vincent is only joining us now, don't expect Slasher to jump in this time. I'm going to give him his own personal origin story someday. On an unrelated note, this installment marks the end of boring, empty backgrounds. I've decided that I like drawing scenery so much that I'm going to cut back on having the characters talk in front of blank walls. Now I just need to design more furniture for the house.

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