Who Wants More Urban Underbrush?!

September is going to be a big month for Urban Underbrush.

As Chapter 16 ends and Chapter 17 begins, I will be switching to an all-digital format. The comics should look mostly the same, but I will be able to make them faster. And because I can make comics faster, Urban Underbrush will be updating twice a week for awhile. Starting September 3rd, Urban Underbrush will update on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the rest of the month! I may decide to keep up the new schedule, but I can’t make any long-term promises yet. Let’s start with September and see how it goes.

But that’s not all. On September 1st, I’m going to start reposting the early episodes of Urban Underbrush on my DeviantArt page.  I will add one comic with new commentary every weekday. I will run all comics from Chapter One through Chapter Eleven.

“Why?” you may ask, “You already have all the comics posted here on the Lepus Studios site, so why bother posting anywhere else?” I actually have three reasons for this:

1.) I have a different audience on DeviantArt. Yes, many of you follow me in both places (and I thank you for that) but a lot of my followers on DeviantArt mostly just tune in to see the various fan art I’ve drawn. I’ve been negligent in my duties as a cartoonist. I should have been mentioning my original works on DA more often.

2.) Most of you haven’t noticed that the early comics have been restored. Before I switched over to a WordPress site last winter, I cleaned up many of the early comics on this site. I replaced scratchy lettering, abbreviated lengthy dialogue, and revitalized washed-out colors. I know, the experts say “don’t waste time fixing old content when you could be creating new content,” but I was seriously starting to worry that the tried, old comics were chasing away new readers. Anyway, this will be a great chance to show off the restored comics as if they were all-new. Plus, it’s a last-chance to catch spelling and continuity errors before the possibility of a printed book comes up. As I recall, the restoration called for a few late nights. If any mistakes were gong to slip through, that’s when it would have happened.

3.) I love seeing old comics with new commentary. A lot of established webcartoonists have been reposting their old works and reminiscing about how they started and what they have learned since then. True, these are usually people with 10+ years of experience, while I only have five years experience, but… Yeah, I don’t really have a good answer to that one. I just really want to reminisce now, dang it.

So get ready to enjoy more old and new comics. If you’re a fan, there will be plenty to enjoy.


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