DW Ch 10 P13

This all sounds reasonable.

2 thoughts on “DW Ch 10 P13

  1. Grrr. These Alpha Lupine Elders are really ticking me off. STOP PUTTING DOWN MY PRECIOUS LION CUB, YOU JERKS!!!

  2. They’ve a reason for it though. And a better one then just mere ‘rah rah Alpha Lupine superiority’.
    Malcarona. What’s the one reason he hasn’t floored these guys the same way he wrecked the spellcaster’s village? Them being the best warriors you can find. What makes Alpha Lupine warriors better then anyone else? Alpha Lupine instincts. Thus, you couldn’t just have a guy train alongside the Alphas to become as good as them.
    The problem, I think, is that Jester IS as good as an Alpha Lupine. But with Malcarona’s arrival, they suddenly cannot afford to allow that reputation to falter, as it’s the only thing keeping them from basically getting sacked by Malcarona.
    But isn’t Malcarona afraid of them? Yes, but I think it’s more akin to a Mutual Destruction sort of event-neither wants to start the fight because they’re not sure if they win that contest. Man for Man I bet the Alphas DO surpass Malcarona’s enforcers for the most part, but outliers like Malcarona himself I suspect aren’t as easily handled.

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