Draconis Wicked Updated

(Originally posted August 8, 2011)

Draconis Wicked: Chapter One, Part Three is finally finished and posted. If you missed the other links, you can find the latest TEN PAGES Here.

I wanted to finish Chapter One before the end of the summer, but it’s been kind of frantic trying to get those pages drawn, colored and posted on time (or close to on time). But I was in a hurry to get to the point. I think a lot of people won’t get on board with Draconis if they couldn’t learn about his motives and mission right away.

Anyway, now that you know what Draconis Wicked is all about, I can slow down a little. Expect about six pages of Draconis each month. And before you complain, try to keep in mind that making a page of Draconis takes about three times as long as making an Urban Underbrush strip. Yet since Draconis started, you’ve been getting about two Draconis pages for each episode of Underbrush.

But don’t worry. The story will still move at a fair pace and I have no plans to stop it.

In the meantime, I’ll be spending some of my newly earned free time on web maintenance and advertising, so the Lepus world should be getting a little bigger and more exciting.

And don’t forget to come back on Thursday for another installment of Urban Underbrush.


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