DW Ch11 P52

Of all the characters I've ever written or drawn Cloaker is probably the one who would least like having his face touched like that. Hey, did you know that this Wednesday, New Year's Day, is the tenth anniversary of the Lepus Studios website and my webcomics debut? Yes, the first strip of my first webcomic, (Urban Underbrush) went live on January 1, 2010. That would be a neat day to do something special to commemorate the occasion. You should come back and check out the site on New Year's Day. (Come back and check out the site on New Year's Day.) Also: Those of you who are going to Super MAGFest in Nation Harbor, Maryland, make sure you check out the panel my friends and I are hosting. It's called "Engaging Fandoms, Guidelines for  Successful Fanfiction." We give great advice on writing fanfic, or on writing in general. Our talk begins on Thursday, January 2, at 8:00pm. This is going to be a busy week.

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