Welcome to Lepus Studios, home of original webcomics by Marjorie Rishel. Stories and art to delight and inspire!

Comic Series

Thank You, Steam Supporters

If you’ve been following the Kickstarter for the operatic web-series “Steam – or – Specters of the Knox Mill,” then you probably noticed that they did not reach their funding goals this time. (Boo.)

I’m writing about his for two reasons: 1) to assure all of you that the project is not dead and 2.) to thank everyone who contributed.

Yes, the project is still going. Yes, the team will explore other means of funding. Yes, there will probably be more crowd-sourcing opportunities in the future.

But right now, I want to thank the current supporters who believed enough to pledge thousands of dollars to a new show. By the end 75 people had pledged to the Kickstarter. 75 people! How many of us could find 75 people willing to pay us money for anything? This in an outpouring of support and generosity rarely experienced by anyone outside of “It’s a Wonderful Life” specials.

If you missed the campaign, I’ll try to keep you posted on what’s ahead for Steam. Don’t be discouraged because good things are still on the way.