Welcome to Lepus Studios, home of original webcomics by Marjorie Rishel. Stories and art to delight and inspire!

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So, this site seems to be picking up a lot of new readers lately. If you are one of the fine folks who is new to the tales of Draconis Wicked, then welcome. Please make yourself at home.

This seems like a fine time to remind followers, old and new, of all the places on the web where Lepus studios has a digital footprint on social media(or paw print, if you prefer.)

As I write this, it occurs to me that this article will post on my birthday (Monday, October 16.) I assure you that this was not a conscious or intentional ploy to guilt you into following or supporting me. However, I can’t guarantee that it wasn’t a subconscious ploy. I never trusted my subconscious. You never know what that thing is up to.

Anyway, here are the other social network thingies where I lurk:

Facebook – Here’s where I post links to the latest comics and announce events like convention appearances. As usual, Facebook’s a little stingy with how many  posts actually appear in a follower’s timeline. Following a fan page on Facebook feels kind of like the modern day equivalent of carrying a fan club card in your wallet. It’s not always functional, but it is a nice way to identify yourself as a member of a fandom. Plus it makes it a little harder to lose track of something you like.

Twitter – Like Facebook, twitter keeps you up to speed on new comic posts and convention appearances. It is somewhat more reliable than Facebook for keeping you in the loop. You also get my thoughts and musings at no additional charge. Also, occasional cat pics too. Come on, I know you’re only on Twitter for the cat pics. What else are you there for? Politics?

Patreon – This one’s new. I’ve recently launched a Patreon to support my work. It’s kind of in a “testing the waters” phase, but keep checking it. I plan to post some free content soon, just to get the ball rolling.

DeviantArt –  Is there a bigger mishmash of my work than my DeviantArt account? Everything that doesn’t have a home at another place seems to wind up there. This includes higher res versions of promotional work, panel enlargements, photographs, sculptures, and, of course, loads of fan art.

Storenvy – Currently the only place to buy my work online. Posters, floppy books and handmade plushies abound. Some of my graphics from Super Smash Opera are also featured. Hey, isn’t the holiday shopping season coming up? Just sayin’

If you are a user of any of these fine platforms, please check me out. I’d be super-flattered.