Welcome to Lepus Studios, home of original webcomics by Marjorie Rishel. Stories and art to delight and inspire!

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Full Moon Art Challenge 2024 – June

To find out about The Full Moon Art Challenge and learn how to join in, visit the event page. Don’t forget to tag your art #FullMoonArtChallenge2024 so we can find it online.

If you’re joining in, share your Fallow Moon art on June 20th, 21st, or 22nd.

A Fallow Moon for the Month of June

Keeping with the general themes of nature and planting, the old German name for June’s full moon is the Fallow Moon. The word “Fallow” usually refers to an unplanted field. Sometimes, the field isn’t needed. Other times, the soil is allowed to rest and replenish. But “Fallow” can also apply to any times of rest and inactivity, so I’ve decided to sculpt a resting moon:


According to my concept sketch, this moon was planned to have a sleep mask and a visible “Z.” But all that stuff looked cuter in a sketch than in a 3D medium, especially one that’s a part of a set. I think I’m changing these designs more and more as I reacquaint myself with sculpture and remember what kinds of designs best compliment the medium.


We are halfway through the year (moon-wise), so I now have six moons to display. It’s getting to be a nice collection:


There is a Season…

June 20th was this year’s Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. It’s neat to have the lunar cycles sync so closely with the seasonal cycles. Last night, I watched the sun set and the moon rise simultaneously. Not too uncommon, but it seemed to mean more on the solstice.

July in the Sky

I’ll be making the next mini sculpture for July’s Haymaking moon.

If you are participating in the Full Moon Art Challenge, share your Haymaking Moon art on July 20th, 21st, or 22nd, with the actual full moon rising on the 21st.