Welcome to Lepus Studios, home of original webcomics by Marjorie Rishel. Stories and art to delight and inspire!

Comic Series

New! Lepus Studios Shop on Etsy

Come one, come all! I’ve launched a new shop with a mix of new a classic merchandise.

I’ve had an online store since 2017, but it wasn’t really doing the numbers I wanted, so I’ve decided that Etsy might provide a better showcase. Let’s see what happens!

Retuning items include the Draconis Wicked New Readers Kit and the Jackrabbit Hand Puppets.

But I’m extra excited for some of my new pieces, two new sets of refrigerator magnets.

Just Desserts
Lepus Rabbits

I got the idea for these from my sister and her son, who told me that it was getting harder to find interesting small gifts for kids, the kinds that can be used for class room presents or birthday party favors (yes, there are bulk discounts.) I designed these magnets with kids in mind, but, let’s face it, people of all ages will love them.

The rabbit designs are something special I’ve been toying with. They’re called “The Lepus Rabbits” and they take the kind of characters I’ve drawn for years and simplify them into friendly little stand-alone images that are not attached to the bigger stories.

Amusingly, these designs made me think about cartoons in the 1980’s and how many characters began as greeting card art, then slowly expanded into books, toys, cartoons, and movies. I’m doing that 80’s thing backwards, I started with fully developed characters, then tapered their likenesses back into simple art. (If it helps, you can think of them as a reverse-Care Bears.) It feels both new and nostalgic at the same time and I like how the images are turning out. I hope to do a lot more with Lepus Rabbits in the months ahead.

Why yes, I did release new rabbit art a few weeks before Easter. Good of you to notice.

I’m planning to keep growing my product line, so visit the store and watch the blog or social media for new merch updates.

Happy shopping.