Welcome to Lepus Studios, home of original webcomics by Marjorie Rishel. Stories and art to delight and inspire!

Comic Series


(This is a duplicate of the post in the Latest Comic spot, but I’m posting it here too in case you don’t see it there.)

Text Version:

Draconis Wicked updates are taking a short break so I can work on some behind the scenes stuff. New comics will resume on Monday, June 6.

June 6 is Draconis Wicked’s Eleventh Anniversary (!) so I’m working on some special stuff to celebrate.

So, what, exactly am I working on?

First, I’m giving some of the old pages a little touch up. It’s not a total redraw, but I am:

  1. Replacing some hard-to-read lettering with a easy-to-read font
  2. Fine tuning some art mistakes that always bugged me.
  3. Adjusting some murky colors to help visibility

But, wait, there’s more:

I’m also optimizing my pages to suit both desktop and cellphone screens.

My website is running wordpress with a Toocheke theme. The Toocheke theme allows the site to switch the comic layout to best fit your device. Which means desktop users will still see the whole page, but cellphone and tablet users will get to scroll down panel by panel. (Webcartoonists, visit www.toocheke.com to learn more about the theme.)

And hey, as long as I’m reformatting the comic for cellphones, I might as well set up “mirror sites” on Webtoons and Tapas. So if you only read comics on a hub platform, soon you’ll be covered too.

I’m also working on a new intro comic, which is something I’ve wanted to make for a long time. (It’s mostly finished and it’s going to be really special.)

While comics are away, don’t forget to check the blog for another installment of the Full Moon Art Challenge on May 15, 16, and 17 this month. And remember to celebrate World Turtle Day on May 23. (Noko sends his love.)

I’ll post my comic updates in the comments below. If all goes to plan, these new changes will be launched altogether in June 6. Get ready to celebrate!