Welcome to Lepus Studios, home of original webcomics by Marjorie Rishel. Stories and art to delight and inspire!

Comic Series

Draconis Wicked Eleventh Anniversary

Today is the day! Draconis Wicked has been running for eleven years!

If you’ve been following my posts, You’ll know that I have been making some big plans to celebrate this milestone. You might even say that I’ve been using this anniversary as an artificial deadline to make myself do all the upgrades that I’ve been wanting to do for years.

Did I complete all my tasks? No. No I did not. Apparently, when you’re dealing with 434 pages of comics, simple jobs take a bit longer. But I have done some pretty amazing things for the comic. “What kind of things?” you might ask? Well…

New Introduction

Okay, so I always liked how Draconis Wicked begins with the prologue, like many great quest stories. But, I often wished I could add a little more, something to build the mood, rather than just delivering information. After much care and planning, I’ve created a new introduction, something short to go before the rest of the story and give new readers a little more flavor. The intro will appear as the latest comic, for now. Then I’ll move it to its rightful place at the beginning of the story next week.

Retouched Artwork

I never wanted to give Draconis Wicked a full redraw, but after 11 years, some bits of old art just really bugged me. So, I went through the whole comic and retouched all the more unforgivable flaws.

I also cleaned up the text and made the words more legible. Speaking of words, around Chapter 10, I started adding these fun, colorful sound effects, which I wished I had been using the whole time, so I threw a bunch of them in the older chapters to liven things up.

There are some other surprises too, but don’t worry, most of the work is still the good old Draconis Wicked you know and love.

Cell Phone Format

As promised, I am still adjusting Draconis Wicked to read better on different devices. Chapters One through Five will now be displayed as a vertical scroll of panels when viewed on a cellphone or tablet. Hopefully, I’ll finish adapting rest of the comic for cell phones in the next few months. Breaking the pages apart and rearranging the panels was a much bigger job than I was expecting, but I’m thrilled with the results.


For people who only read comics on a hub site, I’ve started posting Draconis Wicked on Webtoons as well. The Webtoons version is starting with the new introduction, followed by Chapter One. If you have an account on Webtoons, give me some love. Likes and Subscribes help comics grow.

I’m still looking into Tapas as another place to share the story. I’ll let you know if I launch there too.

What’s Next?

No time to rest yet. I’m going to keep tuning up the website over the next weeks. I want to get back into regular comic updates too, but they may be spotty as we move into summer convention season.

Wether you’ve been here from the beginning, or joined along the way thank you for reading. Stick around. The best is yet to come.