Welcome to Lepus Studios, home of original webcomics by Marjorie Rishel. Stories and art to delight and inspire!

Comic Series

Social Stuff

(Originally Posted Sept. 10, 2010)

This blog discusses:




Lepus Studios is finally on Facebook. I had been putting off making a Facebook page for sometime. Up until last month, I was still taking IT classes. After being required to write so many websites, Powerpoint shows, videos, and hyperbooks keeping up with Facebook felt like another job. But now that I am no longer a student, I’ve started to feel a little cut off, so it must be time to get out there and become social.

Right now, the Lepus Studios account is a little small (but still growing). I have a few images up now and I intend to post some pictures from my sketch books over the course of the week. But right now, I am displaying some pictures from Draconis Wicked that have never been shown before. Go visit and join up here. You can tell people that you got in on the ground floor.

And speaking of Draconis Wicked, I have been doing some storyboards and color tests last week. Here is one of the samples:

Draconis Forest Scene

I made this drawing to help me decide which colors I would be using for the backgrounds (The character colors were chosen long ago) and which brushes I would be using to color them (a combination of gradients, fuzzy brushes, and splatter brushes). This is basically what you can expect the graphic novel to look like. I hope to get some chapters of Draconis done in the next month or so, but I want to get some more Urban Underbrush stuff writen before I throw myself into another story.

It’s only going to get better, so stick around.
