Welcome to Lepus Studios, home of original webcomics by Marjorie Rishel. Stories and art to delight and inspire!

Comic Series

We’re Changing the Schedule

(Originally posted Feb. 4, 2011)

The Short Version:

Starting next week, Urban Underbrush will update on Thursdays. Our next comic will be posted on February 10.

The Long Version:

Like most webcartoonists, I am on an eternal quest to find more readers. So I was reading some articles on webcomics.com and happened to stumble over an old forum discussion on the best days to post new work. The webcomics experts suggested that Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays are usually the worst days to update because less people are surfing the web on weekends.

I took a quick survey on the Lepus Studios Facebook page to see what the fans thought about my update schedule. Most people didn’t think I needed to change the schedule, but they didn’t seem devoted to the current schedule either. Of course, the folks who commented on Facebook are already committed fans. Things that keep their attention might not be the best for capturing new readers’ attention.

So how can I be more available to new readers while still being fair to the faithful followers? Switching to Thursdays seems like the best compromise. It’s only one day earlier, so Friday readers won’t miss anything, and it’s more accessible to the Monday through Thursday crowd.

Thanks to all of you who participated in the Facebook survey. Your feedback is important to me.

See you next week on our new day.


P.S. Not only is today our last Friday update, it’s also my sister’s birthday. Happy Birthday, Liz.