Welcome to Lepus Studios, home of original webcomics by Marjorie Rishel. Stories and art to delight and inspire!

Comic Series

Webcomics Community

(Originally posted Aug. 25, 2011)

I love this website. Working on the comics and site makes me happy and keeps me sane. In spite of this passion, Lepus Studios has not been a huge presence on the web. Lately, I’ve been playing at networking and marketing. I’ve joined some artist groups for fun and profit. I’ve got some outside work (I’ll give you more details as they become relevant). And I’ve created a new batch of advertisements.

Underbrush Rectangle Ad Draconis Rectangle Ad

Want to get in on the action? You can help grow the comics by continuing to visit the site and by recommending the comics to other people. Word-of-mouth goes a long way for website, especially comic sites. If you want to get more involved, you can join our community on Facebook (while you’re at it, why not join our “cousin site’s” Facebook fan page as well? If you like Draconis Wicked, you’ll probably like Wave Tyrant too.) And don’t be shy about commenting on posts or voting in polls. That kind of thing improves our standing on Facebook.

Thanks for reading.


P.S. Hey, comics fans! Here’s another project that deserves your support more than I do (for now). I’m super excited about this. Watch the video (it’s fascinating) and see what you can do.